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Persian Rose Otto

Persian Rose Otto

Regular price £100.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £100.00 GBP
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Rich and exceptionally deep, Persian rose Otto oil is royal & elegantly diffusive with a subtle honey sweetness penetrating the pink petal aroma, with this vintage vibe that imbues the fragrance with an intrinsic old-world feel that's so different from what you smell in the much diluted, mass-market rose substitutes.

The Rosa Damascena Oil (Rose Otto), obtained by steam distillation has one of the most valuable and distinct fragrances. Rose oil is widely used in the cosmetics and the perfume industry because of its complex molecular composition, healing, beautifying and therapeutic properties as well as its multilayered and deep fragrance.

Note: Rose oil solidifies below ~20°C

botanical name: Rosa Damascena 

extraction method: steam distillation 

Dilution oil:  sweet almond


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